Shōgun is an American historical drama television series created by Rachel Kondo and Justin Marks. It is based on the 1975 novel by James Clavell, which was previously adapted into a 1980 miniseries
Shōgun - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Shōgun |
Genre: | Historical drama |
Language: | English Japanese |
Director: | Rachel Kondo |
Main Cast: | Hiroyuki Sanada ,Cosmo, Jarvis Anna,Tadanobu Asano |
Release Date: | 27 Feb 2024 |
Banner: | Jamie Vega Wheeler |
Music: | Not available |
Budget: | Not available |
Runtime: | 60 Min |
Shōgun Story
The Shogun story revolves around the 17th-century Tokugawa shogunate in Japan and the arrival of the first Englishman, William Adams, who became a trusted adviser to the powerful daimyo (feudal lord) Tokugawa Ieyasu. The story is fictionalized in James Clavell’s 1975 novel “Shogun” and its 1980 mini-series adaptation.
Shōgun Review
The Shogun story is a rich tapestry of historical fact and fictionalization, exploring the complex relationships between Japanese leaders, including Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the arrival of the first Englishman, William Adams.
Shōgun Trailer
FAQ About Shōgun
Q 1-Who directed Shogun?
A -Rachel Kondo
Q 2-What genre is Shōgun ?
A -Historical drama
Q 3- Lead Cast in Shōgun ?
A -Hiroyuki Sanada
Q 4- Rating Of Shōgun ?
A -18+