Darlings is a 2022 Indian Hindi-language black comedy film, co-written and directed by Jasmeet K. Leen and written by Parveez Sheikh, marking her directorial debut. The film is produced by Alia Bhatt (in her debut), Gauri Khan, and Gaurav Verma under the banners Red Chillies Entertainment and Eternal Sunshine Productions. The film stars Bhatt herself, Shefali Shah, Vijay Varma, and Roshan Mathew in lead roles.
Darlings - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Darlings |
Genre: | Comedy, Drama |
Language: | Hindi |
Director: | Jasmeet K. Reen |
Main Cast: | Alia Bhatt, Shefali Shah |
Release Date: | 5 August 2022 |
Banner: | Red Chillies Entertainment |
Music: | Vishal Bhardwa |
Budget: | Not available |
Runtime: | 2h 14min |
Darlings was released on Netflix on August 5, 2022. It received positive reviews. The film was watched over 10 million hours worldwide during its opening weekend, making it the highest-viewed original non-English language Indian film.
Darlings Movie Screenshot
Darlings Movie Story
Hamza Shaikh is an alcoholic who repeatedly beats his wife Badrnissa “Badr” Shaikh (née Ansari) after drinking. Badr tries various ways to get him to stop drinking, one of which is to insist that Hamza has a child. Hamza is constantly arguing with other members of the society about the renovation of the hut in which they live. Badr attends one of the meetings where the final decision is taken regarding the renovation of the building.
Darlings Review
Darlings is refreshing, well plotted and not only does it deal with a sensitive subject but also the real reactions, actions and thoughts people go through especially when they are unaware or do not believe in the legal system. I loved the great acting as it portrays the manipulative side of men without demonising them. The softer side of men is shown by Zulfi’s character and the butcher who somehow supports the cause without using a word. The women support each other with their acquiescence to the salon ladies as a judging board. The police portray their frustration, unwillingness and cluelessness exposed to circumstantial evidence and changing witnesses and complainants.
Darlings Trailer
FAQ About Darlings Movie
Q1 – Who Directed Darlings Movie?
A -Jasmeet K. Reen
Q2-What Genre Is Darlings Movie?
A-comedy, Drama
Q3-Lead Cast In Darlings Movie?
A-Alia Bhatt, Shefali Shah,
Q4- Rating Of Darlings Movie?